Couch Potato or Workplace Potato
10 August 2020
Tjantana Jusman

Elevasi Insight pekan ini berbahasa Inggris ya, teman-teman. Sambil belajar bahasa, sambil terinspirasi juga. Semoga bermanfaat! 

JUDUL: Couch Potato or Workplace Potato 

There is an IDIOM that describes someone who is lying down watching TV/YouTube for ages, scrolling down the Instagram, or stalking Facebook without any definite purpose, simply to kill time. This type of person is called “COUCH POTATO” and this term doesn’t literally mean a potato on a couch ha ha ha

Unfortunately, this idiom is also used to describe Generation Z nowadays who were born and raised in the prosperity and provision of their parents. In fact, many Generation Z-ers are active, creative, and productive in doing new kinds of jobs just recently recognized, such as professional gamer, content creator, product endorser, etc.
During the Covid-19 pandemic, more people seemed to fall under the COUCH POTATO category, as many workers lose their jobs and numerous people cannot go out to malls and other places they used to. The choice is in our hands whether we want to fall under the COUCH or WORKPLACE POTATO category. WORKPLACE POTATO - a term I use to describe someone who is productive, eager to do whatever they can, even when they are not expected to.
Well, we can do many things at home, right? We can read books; purposefully learn new things from the Internet; post motivational messages or positive activities/things on Facebook and Instagram; utilise new online platforms (such as Zoom, Webex, etc) to do many things such as meeting up and sharing; learn gardening, cooking, baking, and other hobbies; and exercise to shape our bodies or stay healthy.
In the attached picture, I imagine that Pepper Potts is nagging to Tony Stark (the Iron Man) as he lies down and enjoys himself for hours on end: “Common Tony, don’t be a COUCH POTATO, be active - do something!”
Tony and all of us, let us not fall under the COUCH POTATO category too often. Once in a while is alright for Work-Life Balance, would you agree?


Tjantana Jusman 



The best moments in our lives, are not the passive, receptive, relaxing times—although such experiences can also be enjoyable, if we have worked hard to attain them. The best moments usually occur when a person’s body or mind is stretched to its limits in a voluntary effort to accomplish something difficult and worthwhile. - Mihalyi Csikszentmihalyi, 1990

Momen terbaik dalam hidup kita bukanlah pada saat kita pasif atau santai tapi biasanya terjadi pada saat tubuh dan pikiran kita terentang pada batasnya dengan upaya sukarela (ikhlas) untuk menyelesaikan sesuatu yang menantang dan berarti. - Mihalyi Csikszentmihalyi, 1990

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